Sunday, September 25, 2011

Don't wallow in your failure #tableforfive

"I'm going to admit that I have failed...I have let many people down but I also have succeeded beyond people's have to take the good with the bad and continue to work towards doing better next matter what...don't wallow in your failure...misery may desire company but it doesn't mean you have to sit down at his table...there is a seat reserved for you next to forgiveness and happiness and love and just have to claim it and take it. Now."

I feel betrayed #houseofcards

This is one of those moments where you want to lash out and blame everyone else for something that is primarily your fault.  Why didn't anybody care about what happened to me? Probably because I never truly cared what happened to me, until now.  I don't even. remember. what happened.  I built this house of cards and how quickly it has fallen.

Monday, September 19, 2011

A is for ADD, Anxiety-ridden #toobigtofail

I continue to battle with my anxiety and ADD and I continue to feel like I haven't made a whole lot of progress.  It's like being a witness to a slow, agonizing murder and there is nothing you can do because you are frozen with fear...stuck in the mud.  I feel like my dreams and aspirations are too big to fail but at the same time I am so arrested by my mind. It feels like it is practically impossible to do the simple task I am expected to do, impossible.  But I want it to be possible and I wonder if it ever will be.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

know your HIV status #fcukstigma #windowperiod

just because you decide to get tested for #HIV doesn't mean you have sex or do drugs or had a blood doesn't mean you are positive or negative or doesn't mean you are gay or straight or bi or polyamorous or doesn't mean you are a certain sex or doesn't mean you are a saint or a sinner or the "anything goes" doesn't mean you are a slut or promiscuous or even a "Goody Two-Shoes" doesn't mean you are white, black, brown, yellow, red, or any other color of the doesn't mean you are rich or poor or middle class...IT JUST MEANS that you care enough to know your status...and that is all that matters #fcukstigma

PS: Do you know what the #windowperiod is?

The only way to determine if a person is HIV positive or not, is through an HIV antibody test.  A positive result means you have been infected and can pass on the virus to others. It does not tell when you were infected or how healthy you are.  A negative result means you have not been infected.

The time it takes a person who has been infected with HIV to seroconvert (test positive) for HIV antibodies is commonly called the “window period.”  This window period is about 3 months long.  In the window period, people infected with HIV may not show HIV antibodies in their blood.  However, the person may already have high levels of HIV in their blood, sexual fluids, or breast milk.  HIV can be passed on to another person during the window period even though an HIV test will not show that one is infected with HIV.

*image and explanation of HIV testing process from